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  • English links
  • German links
  • Dutch links
  • The penguin page :
    thé most extensive and informative homepage about penguins, made by Kevin Welch, is back online, in English

  • Peter and Barbara Barham pages :
    very much information with lots of pictures

  • Seaworld / Bush Gardens :
    informative site from Seaworld about penguins.

  • The Penguin Parade :
    information about fairy penguins in Victoria, Australia, with pictures and shop.

  • Penguins from New Zealand :
    informative site of Dave Houston, ranger and conservator for penguins in New-Zealand, and you also find a lot of downloads and games.

  • Oamaru Blue Penguin Colony :
    a visitor centre in Oamaru (New-Zealand South Island), where you can see blue penguins. You find a lot of info about little penguins on their website and also a shop.

  • BouldersBeach :
    In Cape Town, South Africa, you can stay in a guesthouse and look at and hear african penguins from your bed. Or make a guided tour with Van, the "penguin man".

  • Penguinworld :
    homepage of Dr. Lloyd Davis, an autority on penguin knowledge. He teaches about them on university and wrote the book "Penguin biology".

  • IPCWG :
    International Penguin Conservation Work Group

  • Penguins and Vulcanoes :
    Interesting penguin homepage with a lot of pictures. But also very good volcano info and pictures.

  • New England Aquarium :
    informative site including several pictures of penguin chicks

  • :
    a project about Snares crested penguins. (GE and Eng)

  • :
    a new project about yellow-eyed penguins by almost the same team.

  • Whales and dolphins :
    Prof. Culik made a large report on small cetaceans, compiled for the Convention on Migratory species (CMS). It has nothing to do with penguins, but is a very informative dictionary about whales and dolphins.

  • In Tasmania you can find a town, called Penguin :
    Some websites with more info:
    Penguin in Tasmania
    Walk about Travel guide about Penguin in Tasmania

  • :
    a project about Snares crested penguins.
    A second, updated page about the same project.

  • :
    a research project about blue penguins.

  • Forschung, Fakten, Fantasie :
    Website of Prof. Boris Culik, who allowed me to translate and use his books on my site. Almost all general information is based on it.

While all these links go to Dutch pages, I leave the description in Dutch. When you can't read that, you will not be able to understand the pages either ....
  • Pinguïns spotten in het wild :
    hier vind je informatie waar je pinguïns in het wild kan spotten, en hoe je ernaar toe kan reizen.

  • Pinguin startpagina :
    hier vind je verschillende links naar sites over pinguïns, de pagina wordt gemaakt en onderhouden door Esther Vuurboom

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